The Universal Interactive Manual

[12] The [Outlaw's] Philosophy of Choice

Outlaws are living signposts pointing to Elsewhere, they are apostles of otherness and agents of CHOICE.

Laws describe constraint. Their purpose is to control, not to create.

Determinists who view the Universe as an agitation of billiard balls, caroming of one another according to pre-determined laws, have always been threatened by outlaws who insist on playing THE GAME with their own cues.

The Universe adheres to laws only when evolution is static, catching its breath, so to speak.

When things start to move again, when nature returns to its easel, its piano, its typewriter, as it has periodically forever, then laws give way to CHOICE.

Dullards are law-abiding because they choose not to choose.

Outlaws, being less frightened by the bewildering variety of experience,
being, in fact, slightly mad! for encounters new and extreme, will seek to choose even when no choice readily presents itself.


The word that allows YES, the word that makes NO possible.

The word that puts the free in freedom and takes the obligation out of love.

The word upon which all adventure, all exhilaration, all meanings, all honor depends.

The word that fires evolution's motor of mud.

The word that molecules recite before bonding.

The word that separates that which is dead from that which is living.

The word that no mirror can turn around.

In the beginning was the word and the word was CHOICE.

Choice : the act or power of thinking or choosing ; [alternative]

[quotes from Tom Robbins : Still Life With Woodpecker, Bantam Books]

[13] Children of Chaos >*

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