The Universal Interactive Manual

[5] The Law of Kharma and Re-Incarnation

Two Thirds [2/3] of the people in today's World ascribe to the belief of re-incarnation.

Re-incarnation is the idea that the soul is eternal, and as such, returns to the Earth plane, again and again, through rebirth in various bodies, in order to grow and learn.

Each lifetime provides a myriad of experiences that allows one, as spirit, to become stronger, more balanced, more loving and eventually, to unite with the all pervasive energy field - known variously as 'Universal Mind', 'Cosmic Mind', 'IT', 'Collective Consciousness', 'The Sea of Consciousness' etc.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Kharma is the fate we create for ourselves as a result of our actions in this life time, as well as in other previous existences.

The idea of kharma gives us a clearer understanding of why one individual experiences adversity throughout his entire life, while another has an easy path.

Re-incarnation and Kharma provide us with a clearer picture of our purpose and mission in the present, through our understanding of previous lifetimes.

They also give us a better understanding of our destiny in the Universe.

Life is NOT a one-time affair, nor is it a series of meaningless experiences strung together haphazardly.

Rather, it is a mystical on-going journey, that allows you to emerge as a conscious, loving being.

The search for your soul may be the most important enterprise you have ever undertaken.

A profound element of "being alive" is to gain a satisfying philosophy of life, death, and deathlessness.

For my part, when I gained the unshakeable belief that there is no death, that all life is indivisible, that the here and the hereafter are one, that time and eternity are inseparable, that this is one unobstructed universe, then I found the most satisfying and convincing philosophy of my entire life.

These convictions are based upon sound foundations.

Henri Bergson, the philosopher, says that the surest way into truth is by perception, by intuition, by reasoning, to a certain point, then by taking a
"mortal leap", and by intuition attaining the truth.

You come to some glorious moment where you simply know.

I am absolutely, whole heartedly, and thoroughly convinced of the truth of which I write and have no doubt of it, even to an infinitesimal degree.

I arrived at this positive faith and belief gradually, yet there came one moment when I knew.

This philosophy will not ward off the sorrow which comes when a loved one dies and physical, earthly separation ensues. But it will lift and dissipate grief.

It will fill your mind with a deep assurance that you have not lost your loved one.

Live on this faith and you will be at peace and the ache will leave your heart.

This passage also relates to the state of existence of those now living on the other side and our relationship, while we live, to those who have preceded us across that barrier which we call death.

I use the word "barrier" some what apologetically. We have always thought of death as a barrier with a concept of a separatist nature.

Scientists working today in the field of parapsychology and extra-sensory perception, and experimenting in pre-cognition, telepathy, and clairvoyance [all of which were formally considered paraphernalia of the 'cranks', but which are now of sound scientific usage in the laboratories] are now expressing them selves as believing that ;

The soul survives the barrier of time and space : in effect ; we are on the edge of the greatest scientific discoveries in history which
will substantiate, on a laboratory - exploratory basis, the existence of the soul and it's deathlessness.

We live in a dynamic universe where life, not death, is the basic principle.

Detailed evidence and experiential data indicate a world impinged upon, or inter-twined with our own through the meshes of which human spirits on both sides of death live in unbroken fellowship.

The conditions of life on the 'other side', as we know them in mortality, are modified. Undoubtedly those who have crossed to the 'other side' dwell in a higher medium than we do and their understanding is amplified beyond ours, yet all the facts point to the continued existence of our loved ones and the further fact that they are not far away, and still another fact implied, but no less real, that we shall be reunited with them.

Meanwhile, we continue in fellowship with those who dwell in the spirit world.

William James, one of America's greatest scholars, after a lifetime of study, said that he was satisfied the human brain is only a medium for the soul's existence, and that the mind as now constituted will be exchanged at last for a brain that will allow the owner to reach out into un-tapped areas of understanding.

As our spiritual being is being amplified here on Earth, and as we grow in age and experience we become more conscious of this vaster world all around us, and when we die it is only to enter into an enlarged capacity.

Euripides, one of the greatest thinkers of antiquity, was convinced that the next life would be one of infinitely greater magnitude.

Socrates shared the same concept. One of the most comforting statements ever made was his remark :

"No evil can befall a good man in this life, or the next".

Of recorded experiences where 'deceased' are present ;

Where are they ?

What is their Condition ?

What sort of body do they have ?

These questions are difficult.

The idea of a different dimension is probably the most tenable, or it may be more accurate to believe that they live in a different frequency cycle.

It is impossible to see through the blades of an electric fan when it is in a stationary position. At high speed however, the blades appear to be transparent.

In the higher frequency, or the state in which our loved ones dwell, the impenetrable qualities of the universe may open to the gaze of one passing into the mysteries.

In deep moments of our own lives it is entirely possible that we enter, to a degree at least, into that higher frequency.

In one of the most beautiful lines in English literature, Robert Ingersoll suggests this great truth :

"In the night of death, hopes see a star, and listening love can hear the rustling of a wing".

The New Testament teaches the indestructibility of life in a most interesting and simple manner. It describes Jesus after his crucifixion in a series of appearances, disappearances, and re-appearances. Some who saw Him and then He vanished out of their sight.

It is as if to say :

"You see me, and then you don't see me".

"Because I live, ye shall live also".

This indicates that He is trying to tell us that when we do not see Him, it does not mean he is not there.

Out of sight does not mean out of life.

Occasional mystical appearances which some experience indicates the same truth.

Can this be so ?

The answer is : Why not ?

How can we be citizens of a scientific generation and not believe that this could be true ?

Again and again proofs are offered that this is a dynamic universe, surcharged with mystic, electronic, atomic forces, and all are so wonderful that we have never yet comprehended them.

This universe is a great spiritual sounding house, alive and vital.

As Thomas A. Edison lay dying he whispered to his doctor, " It is very
beautiful over there". Edison was one of the world's greatest scientists. All his life he had worked with phenomena. He was of a factual cast of mind. He never reported anything as a fact until he saw it work.

He would never have reported, "It is very beautiful over there", unless, having seen, he knew it to be true.

Of these deep and tender matters I personally have no doubt whatsoever.

I firmly believe in the continuance of life after that which we call death takes place.

I believe there are two sides to the phenomena known as death - this side where we now live, and the 'other side', where we shall continue to live.

Eternity does not start with death. We are in eternity now. We are citizens of eternity.

We merely change the form of the experience called life, and that change, I am persuaded, is for the better.

See the tombstone as only a place where mortal remains lay. The body is there, to be sure, but it is only a coat that has been laid off because the wearer needs it no longer.

So in this faith/belief, which is a sound, substantial, and rational view of life and eternity, you have the prescription for heartache.

The body 'lives' and 'dies' , but the soul lives forever.

The 'metaphysical soul' is located in the hypothalamus in the brain, which is it's point of conjunction with the nervous system and the body.

Remember ; 'a living being' does not mean the same thing as a 'living body'.

A living being implies 'a soul in a functioning body', where as a 'living body' is the physical, biological instrument which continues with its three characteristics of metabolism, growth, and reproduction.

You are not a body made of matter, nor are your thoughts the electrical impulses of your brain.

You are a 'super physical entity', called SOUL., whose thoughts and actions have a moral dimension.

Man is neither a machine nor a gene.

The soul is an eternal, and infinitesimal point of conscient and non-material light.

It has a subtle aura, or an oval shaped efflugence - an orb around it.

It is like the minutest elliptical 'light ball' which is subtler that matter is, even at it's sub-atomic level.

When seen, it looks as a star appears from Earth.

The Soul is eternal.

It's energy is inexhaustible.

Know yourself as an eternal immortal soul.

The Earth is a stage where souls play their part, taking a body as a costume.

The body is constituted of elements of matter.

Consciousness or 'thought' is neither an attribute of these elements nor any combination of them. Consciousness is an attribute or manifestation of a non-physical, or spiritual entity, called soul.

There has been an age old controversy about whether body and mind are two separate entities, or mind is an epiphenomenon of the body, it's nervous system and the brain.

In the East, the sages pondered over this question deeply and, on various counts, came to the conclusion that there is in every living body, a 'conscient being', or 'experient', or 'personality', which continues to exist even after the body is cremated. They call it Atma, Purusha, or Kshetrajna, translated as 'the self', or the "in-dwelling soul'.

In the West also, many philosophers have discussed the question threadbare and have given weighty arguments to establish the reality of the existence of a conscious person, apart from the body.

Since the question of the existence of the meta-physical entity, called 'mind' or 'soul', is very important, it would be beneficial to consider it once again in the light of modern science.

Furthermore, one can clearly observe that body and consciousness are two
entirely different realities, for, while the body tires, the consciousness does not, it may get bored only...

The body may get exhausted of physical energy, whereas the mind or consciousness may feel the inexhaustibleness of psychical, metaphysical or
spiritual energy and may, in fact, grow with the years.

While the body ages with years, the mind gets only wiser or more experienced.

The heart, which is a part of the body, may grow weaker with age, but the consciousness or mind may grow in its power to love or hate.

Thus, the two are different entities, whereas the body is cellular and molecular, that is, physical, and is subject to the laws of chemistry and physics and physiology, the mind, consciousness, or soul, is psychic, spiritual or metaphysical.


A Season in Hell [Une Saison En Enfer]

This is my personal summarisation of the [ 5 ] Key Elements that I feel are at the core of the "purpose" of Arthur Rimbaud's poetic work, A Season in Hell. Written from April to August 1873 when Rimbaud was eighteen. Rimbaud believed in reincarnation.

One [excerpt from Bad Blood [Mauvais Sang]

On the roads, on winter nights, homeless, without clothes, without bread, a voice clenched in my frozen heart :

"Weakness or Strength : You are there, it is Strength. You do not know where you are going, or why you are going. Go in anywhere. Answer everything. They will not kill you any more than if you were a dead body".


Two [excerpt from Bad Blood [Mauvais Sang]

I saw myself in front of an infuriated mob, facing the firing squad, weeping over the unhappiness which they would not have been able to understand, and forgiving ! - Like Joan of Arc ! :

"Priests, teachers, masters, you are wrong to turn me over to justice. I have never belonged to this race. I have never been Christian. I am of the breed that sang under torture. I do not understand your laws. I have no moral sense. I am a brute. You are making a mistake".


Three [excerpt from Bad Blood [Mauvais Sang]

It is in the vision of numbers. We are moving toward the Spirit. . 

I tell you it is very certain, oracular.

I understand, and not knowing how to explain this without using pagan words, I prefer to be silent.


Four [excerpt from The Impossible [L'Impossible]

Philosophers : The world is ageless. Humanity simply moves about. You are in the West, but free to live in your East, as ancient as you need - and to live well there. Do not be one of the conquered. Philosophers, you are of your West.


Five [excerpt from The Impossible [L'Impossible]

My spirit, take care. No violent decisions about salvation. Start working !

-Ah! science does not move fast enough for us!

-But I see my spirit is sleeping.

If it were always wide awake from this moment on, we would soon reach truth, who perhaps surrounds us with her weeping angels!...If it had been awake until this moment, I would not have given in to my deleterious instincts at an immemorial time!... If it had always been awake, I would be sailing in full wisdom... 

Listen, do you want to know a secret ?

Dreams can serve as a doorway to your past, by stepping through that door, you may expand the quality of life beyond your expectations...

Past Life Recall - Dream ;

"Tonight I dream of a past life. Tonight I dream of a past life. Tonight I dream of a past life.

"Quotes from ; 'The Power of Positive Thinking' by Norman Vincent Peale, 'The Eternal Drama of Souls, Matter, and God', Brahma Kumaris, 'A Season in Hell' [Une Saison En Enfer], Arthur Rimbaud.

[6] The Mechanism of the Transfer

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