The Universal Interactive Manual

[3] Prologue

Each of us is on a quest... a journey through space and time...

That quest has led you here, to "this", and will continue to lead you to your own personal evolution.

The aim is to share with you how we can delve more deeply, through our dreams, into that evolution, and exquisite one-ness with all things.

It's purpose is not to show you the way ; but rather to allow you to discover your own internal answers which will well up from the centre of your being.

It is for you to know that those 'answers' are not found in anyone's teachings, but rather are woven within your feelings, within the pattern of your life, within your dreams and visions.

It is time to remember our dreams so that we may awaken the deepest potential sleeping within each of us.

It is time to remember so that we might contribute to the healing of ourselves, the healing of others, and the healing of our wounded world.

Value should be given to the dreaming mind, for dreams can be used as guides to the immediate problems of life.

The dreaming mind, I suggest, in addition to all it's other functions is an instrument of liberation, capable of breaking up the conventional patterns of human perception, and releasing new forms of awareness.

We are such stuff as dreams are made of, after all.

The Dreamer does know what his dream means ; only he doesn't know that he knows it , and for that reason he thinks he does not know it.

It may be that healing lies in the sharing of the dream with another person, rather than its interpretation.

There is the suggestion that the missing component is not some understanding of dreams, but more sharing and living of dreams.

We are all here making our partial subjective statements to the world.

And so I have written about my personal view of dreams.

It is the sharing that is most important to me. 

[4] The Dreamtime

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